Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Photos and Clips from Philly
They have put us on YouTube!
The links are as follows:
Raymond McCord
Paul McIlwaine
Clara Reilly
Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson & Raymond McCord
Mark Thompson with cards
Mark Thompson
Theresa Slane, Clara Reilly and Pauline Davey
Sean Pender
Paul McIlwaine
Raymond McCord, Paul McIlwaine & Malachy McAllister
Raymond McCord
We all look a bit tired but as can be seen, the discussion was very indepth and covered a lot of important ground. There is no substitute for people hearing first hand the issues and the experiences of people.
Also pictured is Sean Pender from the AOH National Executive, his work along with Mike Glass, this week was faultless.
Both of these men came to Belfast the week of the publication of the Ombudsman's Report into the killing of Rayond McCord jnr and we all decided that we should get this visit organised. The burden of work lay with them and they did a tremendous job. Go Raibh Míle Maith Agaibh.
Monday, 19 March 2007
Today we head for home. We know that a lot of good work has been done but it feels like just the start.
There are a number of things we need to chew over.
Not least was the reception Paul and Raymond got from Unionist political representatives.
Back home both of them are treated as pariahs - "traitors". For our first two days in Washington that is exactly how they continued to be treated. But the impact of the Realtives for Justice delegation was significant and by Day 3 the atmosphere changed. Unionist politicians started to listen to what the men had to say and to acknowledge that there are issues which need to be addressed.
Paul McIlwaine met with Ian Paisley jnr who has said he wants Paul to meet with David Simpson MP for Paul's area when he is back home. He acknowledged that Paul was treated badly at St Andrews when he was verbally abused by Sammy Wilson MP and Jefferey Donaldson MP when Paul tried to raise his son's case with them. Mr Paisley reckons he would not have handled the situation like that. Well there is no reason whatsoever to doubt Mr Paisley's word. He told Paul that he came into politics because of his passion for the upholding of human rights. His first campaign was on behalf of the UDR 4 and this has never left him.
In the British Embassy Danny Kennedy UUP MLA for South Armagh also told Paul that he believed his treatment by Unionist representatives was wrong and that he wants to meet with Paul when they are all home.
A Process of Acknowledgement is a vital part of transition for families and communities who have endured the worst of our conflict.
That acknowledgement will be for more than just the bare violation of the person's right to life. It will be for everything that accompanied it - the systemic cover-ups, the lies, the propoganda and the denial of the dignity of humanity to those left violated and bereaved.
Very many will have to be part of providing this acknowledgement - the actors to the conflict, the politicians, the governments, state agencies, the churches.
But in Washington we saw how by providing a positive space in which the victims of the conflict are treated with equality and respect, processes of acknowledgement can begin. This is one of the ways that international intervention can be so vitally effective at this stage of our transition.
We hope that this good will can travel to our own shores and that promises made will bear fruit. Both of these public representatives are recognised as being men of integrity in their own right. We look forward to a new engagement with unionist politicans on these issues.
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Philadelphia Here We Come!
Last night we met with Irish Americans and Irish people who have made good in America like our good friend Sean Mackin who financially contributed to our trip.
It is becoming evident that Irish America is being asked to make substantial investment in Ireland if a deal is struck and the institutions are established.
It is vital that if investment is to be meaningful and make a significant and lasting difference that any investment is made on principles of equality and social need. Areas of social deprivation need to see a real peace dividend. Máirtín O Muillleoir has been promoting new McBride Principles which encourage investment on the basis of social and economic, need not because of cronyism or some other sectarian basis. This campaign needs immediate community and political support.
Obviously because of the big and brave steps taken by the nationalist and republican community in terms of embracing political change we need to see significant progress on investment in transitional mechanisms.
There must be a tangible policing dividend and peace dividend.
Victims need to have a parallel process to the political process which delivers to them - ending their silence and isolation - no matter where they come from. And this requires significant investment in projects which are supporting families in meaningful ways - supporting projects like the Pat Finucane Centre and RFJ and Justice for the Forgotten who are contributing to transition and ensuring the primacy of human rights in the new dispensation.
Today we are heading on another bus for "Philly" to address Irish Americans at a gathering there. We are very much looking forward to this. The Irish Diaspora has been essential to the movement of the Irish Peace Process. They cannot be taken for granted. The tangible and real support that these people gave to our visit this week has been astonishing. Sometimes it is easier to have a wider perspective on the real issues at stake with a bit of distance. This isn't to be confused with teary eyed sentimentality - we didn't see that - we saw real understanding of the importance of addressing outstanding issues in order to inform current instituions and vitally to secure our future stability.
By The Way - Happy Mothers Day Clara, Pauline and Theresa - who are all away from their children on this important journey.
Saturday, 17 March 2007
There's no Business like Snow Business
Us home grown Irish have no idea about weather. A snow storm is a sight to behold! It was like Places, Trains and Automobiles only we were driving home to drown the shamrock. But the craic was ninety and it was Joxer goes to Stuttgart - except it was RFJ going to New York...
So that left the schedule in a heap - we missed our St Patrick's Day breakfast in Manhattan but got to see the big parade. Arguments about fire fighters and health and safety concerns for Irish dancers dominated proceedings and seemed a bit strange to us Paddies. We know that Fire Fighters across the world are courageous heroes who should be leading parades and we also know that Irish Dancers are made of very strong stuff indeed and if you can get through a Feis at the levels of these lassies, you can see off a bit of the white stuff.
Martina Purdy said on the radio today that the main issues for St Patrick's Week in America were Victims and Collusion. Which gave us a warm glow in the cold weather! Then she gave Pater Hain what for pointing out the ridiculous position of the British Government on the Pat Finucane Inquiry. Hain is saying the only way to hold an inquiry is under the Inquiries Act - legislation his government introduced to ensure that their interest is protected and the full truth hidden. Fair play to Martina pointing this out and saying the Government just needed to change the legislation, particularly in light of two governments (Irish and American) passing statements of condemnation for the British Government's position and in support of the Finucane family's demand for public independence and accountability - But our Mr Hain isn't one to let the patently obvious contradictions in his argument get in the way of obstinacy and a patronising "you just don't understand".
Well from our experience this week I can say fairly categorically America is willing to understand, and they believe that equality, transparency and independence are the keys to unlocking these issues for all of our community.
Beannachtaí Lá Féile Pádraig
Friday, 16 March 2007
Making Impact
The Irish Embassy Reception was very nice at the Irish Ambassador's Residence and of course everyone notable was there. They all get very well fed and watered.
Bertie Ahern was very interested in meeting us - which was nice since we had asked him for an urgent meeting before Christmas and has still to get back to us. But maybe it is easier to make time on foreign shores.
Still it was good to have him so positive on the issue of addressing collusion and needing to find an effective way of dealing with the past. Some of his colleagues joined with family members in Belturbet today as a memorial was unveiled to those killed by the loyalist bombs planted there with full British military direction. Of course for years those families were isolated and censored in their own country - it's good to see physical and political recognition of their experience. The McEntee Report is probably burning a hole on Bertie's desk at the minute. The coming weeks will be very important for the Southern state.
As he wished the political parties luck with devolution we hoped that there will be continuing interest in these outstanding issues for the transitional process. Raymond McCord spoke to him about the role a Special Branch agent played in planting a bomb in Monaghan and the need for the Irish Government to pay better heed to this. Bertie listened intently probably not missing the irony given events in Belturbet.
Not quite so happy to see us was Mr Peter Hain. He was chatting away with people affected by republican actions when we got to speak to him. He knows the issues we raise are challenging issues for his government and was particularly non-committal. But the British Government have these issues being raised again and again and it is now people from all backgrounds and roles in the conflict who are coming with questions about the Dirty War, no longer is it just republicans - no wonder it is easier to talk to some people than others.
Senate's Unanimous Support for Finucane Inquiry
It was great to see the US Senate unanimously pass a resolution in favour of a full public inquiry into the kiling of Pat Finucane - there has long been total moral authority for this hopefully the political pressure will also grow and the British Government will realise they have to stop trying to control and damage limitate . As Geraldine Finucane tellingly said "We must know what went on in order to move on".
McCord and Finucanes go to the White House
Families affected by collusion from both communities were represented at the White House Reception. It is symbolically important to have our issues raised at this event. Mr Hain arrived with other victims of our conflict - the sisters of Robert McCartney and the Raffertys from Dublin. They were afforded their own special audience with Mr Bush. Hopefully the next time a US president meets with victims from the conflict it will be more inclusive, with people affected by all actors to the conflict.
Hilary Clinton Gets Aquainted
We spent the entire afternoon with the chief of staff of Hilary Clinton's office. It was very important. We covered the areas of truth recovery, policing, criminal justice and recovery of memory.
Clara Reilly spoke at length about the importance of the Remembering Quilt and showed photographs - we hope that this is something we can have further discussions on, drawing similarities with the memory projects around the devastation at the Twin Towers.
So we leave Washington with the weather turning to snow and a good job done. We are looking forward to St Patrick's Day in New York.
Thanks to Martin McGuinness who offered us seats in his box at the fight in Madison Square Gardens. We were too busy finishing our business in Washington and too late so we let the tickets go to other fans of Derry's Dancing Duddy. Can't do it all!!
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Raymond McCord to Attend Whitehouse Reception
PRESS RELEASE 15th March 2007
Raymond McCord in Visit to White House
Raymond McCord snr will be attending the St Patrick's Day Reception in the White House tomorrow at the invitation of the US State Department.
Mr McCord is currently part of the Relatives for Justice Cross-Community Delegation meeting governmental figures in Washington DC.
Mr McCord will be representing the families of people killed as a result of the policy of collusion from all backgrounds, irrespective of their politics or religion, including the families of those British army and police members.
Mr McCord will be entering the White House tomorrow morning at 10am at the South East Gate.
We Meet Paisley and Orde
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Raymond McCord and Pauline Davey on BBC News
She interviewed Raymond McCord and Pauline Kennedy for BBC Newsline tomight.
Raymond McCord was also interviewed on Evening Extra - you can hear it on their play back facility http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/noscript.shtml?/radio/aod/ulster_aod.shtml?ulster/eveningextra
Sometimes you have to be on the other side of the world to get media coverage.
Meeting with New US Special Envoy to Ireland
Delegation Meets with Irish Embassy
This morning we met with the aide of the Irish Ambassador to America. This was a very good meeting. Raymond McCord addressed the lack of support from the Irish Government on the issue of collusion.
He said that despite the Ombudsman's report on his son highlighting the bombing in Monaghan carried out by Special Branch Agent Mark Haddock being exposed there has been very little heard from the Irish Government and in particular from An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. He stressed the principle of equality for all victims ie. that all victims, from all backgrounds, affected by all actors, across the island of Ireland, must be treated equally and the Irish Government must lead the way.
As Mr Ahern currently has possession of the McEntee Report into the loyalist bombings in Dublin - we hope that these words will have meaningful effect.
Solidarity on Capitol Hill
Our families were delighted to meet up with John and Geraldine Finucane, son and widow of murdered human rights lawyer Pat who are also in Washington this week.
We did a joint meeting with the Chair of the Friends of Ireland Senator Richie Neal and a number of other congressmen and senators. It was worth while. We impressed on those attending the need for international and independent intervention on the issue of collusion and dealing with the past.
Northern Ireland Bureau Exhibition
Last night the RFJ delegation attended the Northern Ireland Bureau Photographic Exhibition. This was a main event in the St Pat's week calendar in Washington. Our families met with a number of notables including Mitchel Reiss and Des Rea, Chairperson of the Policing Board, and impressed on him the need to have an all-embracing truth commission which deals with all of the hurts and pains of the past inclulding the outstanding issue of collusion.
Mr Rea along with Hugh Orde are very fond of intervening when the state's role in the conflict is being scrutinised with comments undermining families' calls for inquiries and truth processes. It is time Mr Rea and Mr Orde realised that they are not neutral arbitrators in this debate and stepped aside in favour of victims' interests.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Congressman Smith Releases Statement of Support
This Morning our families met with a number of congressional representatives in Washington DC. After the meeting the following statement was released by Congressman Chris Smith:
Rep. Chris Smith made the following comments after participating in the Relatives for Justice briefing in the US Capitol today.
"These credible charges and the evidence of official state collusion in the murders of citizens from both the Protestant and Catholic communities in Northern Ireland will continue to cast a shadow over any political progress made regarding devolution and self-governance," said Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) who has held eleven hearing regarding the peace process and human rights in the north of Ireland.
Smith, who authored the law in the United States that prohibits RUC/PSNI personnel from participating in US police training and exchange programs said "We will not stop raising this issue and fighting for full disclosure for these family members," he added. "You can not have peace without justice and justice requires that the state authorities, charged with protecting the public, be held to account.
For more information about the families on this trip and photos please visit http://www.relativesforjustice.com
Our Families Travel to Washington
Sunday 11th March
Cross Community Delegation of Collusion Victims for Washington DC
A cross community delegation of Catholic and Protestant victims affected by British Government policy of collusion travelled for the United States this week for a series of engagements with leading US political figures, press and editorial briefings, including other meetings with political aides and advisors on policy within the US with regard to US assistance and influence in the Irish peace process. The delegation will include Pauline Davey Kennedy (daughter of Cllr John Davey), Raymond McCord snr (father of Raymond McCord jnr), Paul McIlwaine (father of David McIlwaine), Clara Reilly (sister of Jim Burns), Teresa Slane (widow of Gerard Slane) and Mark Thompson (brother of Peter Thompson). The visit is being organised by Relatives for Justice.
The delegation will be visiting the US, lobbying on the need for the truth about collusion as part the central element of transitional justice and peace building. Whilst the delegation includes 6 family members, all affected by collusion and State violence, they will additionally be bringing several hundred petitions signed by bereaved families seeking Congressional intervention in the form of a Congressional fact-finding visit examining all the issues for all victims of the conflict irrelevant of their religion or politics. This petition will be personally presented to Democratic Speaker of the House Mrs. Nancy Pelosi.
Part of the itinerary also includes plans to meet with Presidential candidates Senator Hilary Clinton, Senator John McCain, and Senator Barack Obama. The delegation has also been invited to the US State Dept. to up-date officials, the Northern Ireland Bureau breakfast function, and the Congressional Friends of Ireland at Congress. The delegation will also attend the St. Patrick's eve functions at the Irish Embassy in Washington DC. It is expected, but not yet confirmed, that the delegation will also attend the White House St. Patrick's function on March 16th. The delegation will also travel to New York for engagements.
In advance of departing for the US this morning Clara Reilly, the Chairperson of Relatives for Justice, and part of the delegation said; 'It is important that US politicians and key policy makers, including Irish America, hear at first hand the experiences of these families and of the nature and extent of the official governmental policy of British State violence and collusion in Ireland. No longer can this experience of collusion be denied and excluded from the mainstream of annual activities that occur St. Patrick's week in Washington DC. These families, from across the religious and political divide, are determined to ensure that their voice and experiences are heard this week.
'The practice of collusion has impacted across the community irrelevant of religion or politics. This was witnessed in the recent Ombudsman's report into the UVF murder of Raymond McCord Jnr. In recent times even the families of ordinary British soldiers and policemen, killed during the conflict, have come forward to our organisation citing evidence that agents were involved the killings of their loved and yet RUC Special Branch and British Military Intelligence protected these agents from prosecution.
'In this past week it has again been indicated that the Ombudsman is to further investigate allegations of collusion with republican agents working for the British State, and that an agent involved in an attack on a former Judge, Tom Travers, in which he survived and his daughter was killed, was protected by RUC Special Branch. The reality is that everyone and everything was expendable to this awful policy. Collusion must be fully exposed and the truth brought to light for all the families irrelevant of who they are. Outing this truth will also have broader benefits in terms of transition and building a lasting and equitable peace based upon the principles of human rights and justice. Our petition outlines this very aim.